Wherein our adventure begins, we meet our heroes, and our intrepid party investigates a most mysterious murder...
Wherein our party oversees a mutiny in the town guards, terrifies a shopkeep, and goes to jail in order to further the investigation...
Wherein our party interrogates guards, rescues two new party members, and explores a locked room in a mansion...
Wherein our party fights in a murder basement, meets a new adventurer, discovers an ally is sentenced to die, and races to a goblin-infested cave...
Wherein our party fights goblins and skeletons, explores a strange cavern, rescues a kindly old man, and discovers an ancient, hidden secret that perhaps should have remain undisturbed...
Wherein our party escapes a collapsing cavern, rescues a new friend from evil spiders, and rushes back to save two condemned men...
Wherein our party attempts a rescue of innocent friends sentenced to die, and plans for the coming danger from the north...
Wherein Grugg is in a drunken brawl, the party ponders invitations from the four noble familes, shopping occurs, and they investigate a murdered cleric...
Wherein we travel to the distant past, the Iron Seven discover an underground Ziggurat near Southkrag, and many brave individuals see floating cheeks whenever death is near...
Wherein the Iron Seven delves into the other elemental planes to gather their strength in order to confront whatever terrible plan is unfolding at the top of the ziggurat...
Wherein the party fights a horde of rabid cattle, learns about a lost comrade, entertains themselves at Cosmo's, and attends an undexpectedly exciting dinner...
Wherein the party rushes to a royal gala to save their friend, the Prince, from a new threat surfacing in a strange manor...
Wherein the party fights a familiar noble in an attempt to save Prince Lucas, visits two temples late and night, and ultimately finds themselves in a bit of a bind in the sewers...
Wherein the party fights a giant anglerdrake, an army of lizardfolk brawlers, and their leader Scar in an effort to stop a plot to poison the people of Lionsheart, and they find a secret temple along the way...
Wherein the party fights stone guardians and mummies in an ancient buried temple, discovers a new ally, and delves deeper into the ruined city beneath Lionsheart, searching for a way out...
Wherein the party forms a tenuous alliance with an undead illithid, races away from a drow and drider army, discovers an ancient temple to Bahamut, and B has a conversation with an apparition...
Wherein the party fights through a haunted underground graveyard, saves a young drow prisoner from her people, makes their way through a small drow town deep in the ruins, and finds their way into the giant tower that may lead them to freedom...
Wherein a band of roaming adventurers come together to save the town of Dur'wik from a elvish mage who has taken over the manor of the dwarven Earthbrew clan...
Wherein the party moves further up the Majora Magica (the magical academy which resides in the giant tower), desperate to escape the ruins of Lionsway, surrounded by an angry drow army hellbent on their demise...